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3DADCHannel.com 3DEDucationalTV.com 3DCounty.com 3DBusinessTV.comn -together with 3DTVBuisiness.com 3DStpres.com have waited decades for sponcers to enjoy 3DTVCHannels.com that are looking for sponcers to enhence and educate on sports travel and business 3DTVshows and 3dCounty.com web magazine startups web portals metaverses and a collection of 3DTVCity.com websites shrelved by 2DTV for decades (politicians welcome too) 3DMusicCHannel.com and 3DSortsHannel.com 3DTravcelchannel.com and 3DTVRealty.com neede to help make americasgreat as they evolve online so we need forward thinking 3D medias to sponcer their shows when possible . we need many hands golding 3DTV tgether online for Actors and set crews and 3DMovieCHannel.comcan help if your a sponcer we get milloins of viset a year and crawled every day by the world biggest techs but they do not use 3DTV to webcast a single show and they stream just 2DTV startups so 3DTVBusiness.com startups arte shelved in Canada newses so we need to expand 3DTV in the Americas and europe so we ned global sponcers who are not ple3ased with 2DS TV advertising oppertunites for sponcers that have been taken opff the 2D TV sheklves so as to make America great in3D and we can not doit alone for 26 years this is obvious. www.3DPresident.cdfom ifr 3DWwWTV.com . sociall net 3DTVSTartups.com for work and pleasure. www.3DStores.com 2025.

Canada has to put Canadian businesses back on the shelf after taking them down for 26 years inteter provincial barriors to 3DTVCanada.com in every city have to come down as the 2DS TV cartels blockl 3DVTV.com busainesses for 26 years they have to remove the basrrior to new 3DTVCHannels.com net org startups redacted by the Canadian businesses in provinces that have nop news content on 100% of 3very 3DCopyrightTV.com launched in Vancouver to ST Johns and this practice opf taking businesses off the shelf and posting evberys ingle other affiliate only has cot to change so the news is an open source envfironme3nt and not a closewd sport gamble.

2DTV ois going nowhere for 26 years they can not even report 3DTVBrands.com on 2DTV and the web is blockiing 3DTVCanada.com and this does not boost the economy it redactes it.
? www... 3DTVBusiness.com or 3DTVBusiness.com is ready for decades waititng for 3DSTVBrands.com to arrive.

we have to demonstrate we are open source for business andf not a 2DTVCopu Canadian realy like the Idea of being more American , even being treated equally like a old US state and we would make a great US state and the fact that we are dedicated to be Canadian under all conditions is proof of loyalty for counntry and the USA as any state would be inn the Americas so as we would make a great American state we know Americans would never respect a state that abandonded sahip when the going gets tough or it's birth rights and join some other country at a drop of a hat and no american whold respect a people who abandoned a great place like Canada and so may be it's better that we keep our respect and pretend we are a 51st state and like it was when America was great and as soon as possible before the ship sinks, as we will all respect each other for this kind of integrity and a show of American loyalty to thier countries together in freedom and with libery like we wete the same great neighbours and enjoy the freedoms and liberties other countries only dream of that we share even send eachother a few Valintines of our love of the Americas. February 6, 2025
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