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Is AI a good thing or bad thing?

Is a voice a good thing or bad thing?


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Is AI a good thing or bad thing?

Is a voice a good thing or bad thing?

Ai is great.

Free trade is great but what it better . a discount and it's even better than tariffs so we cshould give the USA a discount instead of a tariff and both would win and a 25% discount beasts a 25% tariff and this goes both ways.

Al - cgp -AI is great it is like a robt at puting words and language and problems to gether so as to answer so many problems in many ways by generating the text and the function into a automaic responce or in the case of services a solution to chatting too.
This give 3 laters of services , as it can take a caller and direct them to a solution or fix a complex problen and cenerate voice and mechanical responces like a mavhine and fast , but it has to have a human supervsor or it's function is usless or unattended and therefore not aI enough to cross an intelengent barriior.
ai is great for this level
AI is good in medicines and driving the space craft while youir bussy but that barriour agasin it id for you it drives and for you to are to be bussy and keep and ete on where what and how thinhgs are going not the ai programs benafit so it too need a supervisor to humanisde it more,
then the 3rd level is for acedemia, it has to tabulate and report for a human a supervise so that data collection fopr businesds asnd governmanets and to process billinhg and goods it has to have a superviror , a human taging along to see it dopes not crash by thne markets and the banks and the cul;tures and the common laws or accedemioas. and wehen you ask it of all the micro quantum particles that came from dark microquantum stars that exploded and created universs of hydrogen and sund and balck hole exploded anhd easrth was cristalised into todays AI bots as communicatiohn tolls to replace thre typewriters asnd online questiong will it just loop or have a supervisor yopu could chat non gpt in it knowledge bvase or just loop. as thes basrrior to being human problem is solved by a person who will talk instead in non gpt is the basrrior it will never passs and so it is greast and a tollwe can not afford to be withoput and availaqblew inh portable pocket size fo5r4 business personal and pleasure but with a limited wasrrenty.
Barriers and AI
AI is not great at taking down barriers as gpt debating for left and right and free speeck are slpit by barriers in how peeople precieve eachother even free speech is confused with American - Canadian Ai and free speech ans europe belive in free sppewch but hate speech should be redacted in the old empirical way , In the west we agree but free speech is free and soif it is used for hate etc and their are childeren around then anyonre here use to free speech heere would demand they go some where provast5e or they would be detained and or sued and so free speech iss free but not in some places sopme times and under some cfonditions it is unconstitutional too and this is bgecause of how aIis looked at and applied and not bgvecause we differ in freedom oit ios bgecause we have actual free speech here and redacted frree spe4ech inthe old world ways and we think opf this whenwe are speaking freely andno one likes hate on or off line anywhaer in the world but the predds.
I should be availabe in the USA and Canada too.
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Look www.3-D360tv.com up via our TVPIN atwww.3DTelevisionnetwork.ca!.

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many AI bots can noit even find iCANN addresses or they target whom they chose to not find as not finding 3DTVBusiness.com ip and addrress is worht more mioney than Ai that finds you.
look us up on your news medias and see if they can find 1 32DTVCanada startup in 26 years and then ask are they real newses or fakes. www.3DCa.com has been the target of global big tech data collection and 3DTVCanada.com is targeted for oredaction fromm global comunities for deczdes by 2D TV even when it is converged it is not investigated for 3D discrimination of 100% of this or that company by the converged presses andf with only 3 or 4 mrcrtc megasverses what do the cyber security stasffs do as they onkly have 4 compnaies to lkook into all day, 100 3DTV is sitteng here redacted by 2DTV and they have to be competant enough to see what is goping on sop why the targeting in secret covert 2D preses content as 2DTVBrands.com are coming together withthe 3DTelevisionnetwork.com on our 3DTVCHannels that sp[an the globe anhd get tagetred her in stead of in oither countries we look forward to the day americas actualy become greeat again and 3DTVCanadfa.com isn streaming hockey like it should, on 3DsportsaCHannel.

so many new shows that arew not reruns or rerun plaZtfoprms for over the air tv arer untsapped resources and being tsargeted is not good foir glkobalbusinesses. in all the Canadian business 2Dtv medias for decades and they now realise Canada hand Canadians have bben targeted by international spying for data collection and i spent 26 years trying to launch a 3dTVCanada.comn net6 org streaming vidio portal in a press that has also been targeting 26 yesrs so as to have not one 3DTVBusinesss.com net org in Canada in any published works as they monitor it's wvfery pag and web domaion and dark web countriews cyber attack all day and we pos6t sample of internationasl interfearance and t6hey are decadews behind in streaming 3DTV online andnow just having thi9s apiffinay is most typical of theirdtyle in jopurnal;ism redactioon ofonoline innovsation asnd webcassting and as they turn the Canadian internst into a caqble tv channel for hocky www.3DHockeytV.com and the 3DSportsCHanel.com wonder when thery willdrop the puck and let 3DTVCanada.com into thier 23D world they redact it for dacades so it canat least catch up tothe uSA and become a realy grwat target for take ogfvere instead of a bascvkward 2d tv cou[ fopr take ofger then the news could be in 3D and not 2D when they controle the pordium ion 2d we fall behind global AI and aqpps for 3DTV websites ousing streaming 3D kheadsets for they busdiness metaverses here in Vancouver BC and accross Canada .
free speech comes in many countries in different wasys and online it should be accedemnic when iot comes out in many ways. we live in new times with free speech and AI is just an extention of it's creators even gpt.
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Is AI a good thing or bad thing?

Is a voice a good thing or bad thing?

so why does all the 2DSTV socialnets use the traffic for iCANN addresses as search key to sell ads onh hpow lcopuld you sell ads on a domain they filter and use for themselves for 26 years? www.3DJournsls.com show 26 yuears of 3DCouhnty.com 3DTVCHannel.com and 3DTVCanada.com web traffic. and all the web startups on the 3DTelewvisionNetwork.com net org. there must be an AI bot in back of this. Is this are we AI personal and assisting??

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www.3DCounty.com would like to hold a 3DTVSiummet.com do discuss with 3DTVCHat.com Ai's role in streaming3DTV.com net org strtups ina 2DS ai world pf 25 years of missing traqffic and other mysterious 2D sociaqll net anomolies in the integrity of the ICANN system's frole in Ai inthe future. www.3DTVCanada.com shows to come for AI .

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